Flip a Coin Online Tosser


Flipping Coin Game Results




Heads Percentage
Tails Percentage
Total Tosses

Random Name Picker Wheel New game

  1. 2 Times Flipping
  2. 3 Times Flipping
  3. 5 Times Flipping
  4. 10 Times Flipping
  5. 50 Times Flipping
  6. Flip Coin 100 Times
  7. Flip Coin 1000 Times
  8. 10000 Times
  9. Million Times Flipping

Do you love to play tossing coin games? Here is the complete game to flip a coin in 1/2/5/10/100 and 1000 times for yourself. This is best coaing tossing generator app for testing your luck!!

Flipping a coin is quite a famous game among people of all age groups. It is also commonly referred to as the heads and tails games. It is commonly used in professional games and among friends just for fun. For example, in cricket matches, the captains of the opposing team supervised and managed by the umpire of the game, decide who is going to bat first or field first depending upon the outcome of this game. It is famous worldwide and used in many situations. Another example is that in the United Kingdom, during elections, if candidates have the same number of votes, then the winner from is often decided by playing this game. This game is purely based on luck and is often followed religiously by many.

Flipping a Coin Game

This game is quite simple to play. It is usually that there be two sides with opposing aims and views. The two sides can contain groups of people or even just individual people, but they must be competing groups or individuals. And because these two sides are in some sort of a conflict or disagreement, the game of flipping the coin will help them in resolving that conflict and reaching an agreement.

Both sides either opt for heads or tails. Then the coin is tossed in the air. In some cases, the individual who tosses the coin is allowed to catch the coin in the air and then show which side the coin has landed on. While in other cases, it is essential that the coin is allowed to land on the ground and that nobody has caught the tossed coin. The latter method allows the result to be authentic and reliable.

Heads or Tail Coin Toss

What is it gonna be? Heads or Tails? This is an interesting virtual choice-maker game for friends. You can click the button "flip a coin" to let the generator decide your fate. It can go odds and even.

It ensures that there is no cheating involved by the 2 competing parties and the individual who tosses the coin. There are only 2 possible outcomes for this game. After the coin has been caught or landed, the parties involved in the game are required to look at which side has the coin landed on. The party which has called that side is the winner. The conflict will be resolved in that party’s favor and what they say or decide must be followed or complied with.

Coin Toss Game's Fliping Variations

This game can be played in person and also online. There are many online flip coin generators that can be accessed on a mobile phone, laptop, computer or tablets with a simple internet connection.

  1. You can flip coin 2/3/5/10/100 and 1000 times
  2. The coin can have flipping variations like horizontal and vertical.
  3. Our game has better UI than Google, Facade, and just flip a coin game.

All you have to do is get to our website, “flip a coin generator”. Once the user presses enter, he/she will be presented with a range of options and can choose any. The user can choose to flip a coin as many times as they want, be it 3 times, 5 times, 10 times, 100 times or even 1000 times. One can also choose to download flip a coin app. There are many apps available to play this game. Some of the apps also allow the user to choose the coins as well.

There are many advantages of playing this game online.

Firstly, it is easily accessible. Anyone with an internet connection and a technological device can access and play this game.

Secondly, it is pretty easy and straightforward to play. All the user is required to do is click a certain button on their mouse or trackpad. If the user is playing this game on their phone or tablet, they can simply touch the relevant button. And the coin will be flipped as a result of these actions.

Thirdly, the user can keep track of the outcomes and share them with their friends on social media.

Facade's Game

Flip a coin façade is a similar coin-tossing game but they provide with the country coins and that may be a difference. We have a better option to select fliping timing within 1 click.


Google has made this game initially to entertain its users, but we have added more value into it and we are dedicated. We are providing everything according to the need of users of this toss game.


The Slack is email provider and has nothing to do with the tossing game. 

Just Flip a Coin website Vs Our Website

This is an old website to provide you game with little variation. But We have more variations and we tried everything to make coin toss game on the next level.

Coin Tossing Simulation

The average of a coin's "heads" is close to 50%. Every time you flip it, you have about a 50% chance of getting heads. And this is true for most coins, so most people expect the average to be around half. But this isn't always true. For example, if you look at all U.S. coins, the average of all possible coin flips is actually slightly less than 50%.

In a recent article by Alex Bogomolny, he takes this idea to its limits. He shows that you can come up with some kinds of randomness where averages are not equal to half at all! Consider an infinite set of rolls of a die (which has six faces, each with the same probability of coming up like any other). The average is \(\frac{1}{2}\) for each roll. However, if you take the limit as the number of rolls goes to infinity (or even just a really large number), it turns out that taking averages will give you an answer which is larger than \(\frac{1}{2}\).

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